2. Haus Schönbrunn

Haus Schönbrunn

The name SCHÖNBRUNN means ‘beautiful spring’ in German. It is inspired by the owner’s experience of passing in front of VILLA SCHÖNBRUNN, a Hapsburg castle in Austria, when he used to visit Vienna monthly on business trips.

VILLA SCHÖNBRUNN is located on the left side of the main road in Gruenwald. We tried to create the atmosphere and solid feel of the Empress Maria Theresa’s castle when we designed the building.

The rooms on the third floor are maisonettes and have living areas of more than 120 square meters.

 The green of the zelkovas stretching several branches on the right side of the entrance is always refreshing. In addition, the sculptures of an angel and cute dogs greet you warmly at the entrance.

物件 name
Haus Schönbrunn
2LDK・4LDK 66㎡~120㎡ 【JR吹田駅徒歩6分】【阪急千里山線徒歩12分】【オートロック】【監視カメラ】【BS・CS】【角部屋】【南向き】【2面窓】【サウナ】【ジャグジ ー】【床暖房】【追い炊き&乾燥機付き風呂】【1階・専用庭】